Tue Nov.28 2006 It is 10:28AM Texas time. I had left over vegetable, fish and rice mix together dish, citrus beverage and hot chocolate. It is 22:29 Texas time. I had rice, vegetables, salmon roe, blue berries, a piece of cherry size orange and hot chocolate. I w 住商房屋ant to remind our US Congress and the media around the world, you all must keep in mind all the time, Do Not be Racist. Do not think White is better than any other race any more. 烏來溫泉White may be better than others because of their common law of Bible's taught, but not any more. Why? Because all good better best Whites who having honest heart to get the Bible taught most likely have 西服had known good better best men must not have any more birth long time ago, they most likely have had known man must not use kids as tools for whatever purpose which including to use to population the race figures, therefore, 酒店兼職 White most likely quality going down the fastest speedily comparing to other races, because other races not knowing Bible teaching like White having known so widely, therefore, the other races may have more good better best remaining than White may ha 好房網ve remained. Shame on Gingrich's "changes freedom of speech laws's comments", what a disgusting that stupid bad ugly evil Gingrich as a former US House Speaker had showed shamelessly. And I want to remind good better best man around the world, keep in mind 裝潢all the time, our body is the jail of our soul, therefore, good better best man must do all he can, not bring any more birth to come to this earth to suffer. Therefore, I hope US Congress learn from the Japan's sad, miserable situation to do all you can to close our border and tell 房屋出租 our neighbor Canada, Central America and South American to do their best to close their borders, do not allow any more foreigners to come to our place, and I hope Mainland China, India those big population countries law makers, officials to do their best to close their borders, do not allow their s 室內裝潢tupid bad ugly evil civilians to come to USA, Canada, Central and South America to take advantage of we stupid bad ugly evil American officials and civilians; China and India officials, you must not abuse your population to come to eat we America out, you don't know what where how you may come back to the earth 保濕面膜again, if you allow your stupid bad ugly evil civilians to take advantage of we stupid bad ugly evil Americans civilians or officials, you will pay your stupid  bad ugly evil debts sooner or later.  .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 關鍵字廣告  .

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