「搖下車窗拜年」 民批吳揆可笑 2010/02/15 民視新聞 「搖下車窗拜年」 民批吳揆可笑 2010/02/15 民視新 信用卡代償聞http://ww 澎湖民宿w.youtube.com/watch?v=Jchev9t1-m 帛琉s At 0:55/1:49 Your Taiwanese too stupid bad ugly 室內裝潢 evil to know that you have no right to blame your government about your traffic 關鍵字廣告but blame your sucking (Too suck to know that Taiwan Island is too small to afford more concrete 開幕活動 <That how those Native Americans who rooted China seen the same point like those Japanese who rooted China made the 設計裝潢same limited size of rail road and cover those soil with rocks to make sure not to choke the underground wild life with deadly concrete. > pa 裝潢ved paths.)Taiwanese man too suck to know how to control your population (you make your population pile up like ants, you must have no right to speed faster than th 酒店經紀ose ants.) to stop committing your sucking crime of sex lies.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房屋買賣  .

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